Sunday, August 4, 2013

Term 3 Week 1

Hello Everyone

I hope you all had a restful and relaxing holiday. We all really enjoyed catching up and hearing each others news. It sounds like we have some great skiers in the class! We have had a very busy first week of term with Safe Walking and it is great to be back!

Sadly last term we said good bye to Cynthia and Emily we wish them the very best at their new schools. We welcome Joyce from the Foundation class who will join us for the rest of this year.

Safe Walking

We really enjoyed having Constable Gordon come and visit us everyday to help us learn about safe walking. First we made a pretend road on the astroturf. We learned to stop, look and listen before we crossed the street. We looked both ways while crossed the street.

Next we tried crossing the at the pedestrian crossing outside school.

After that Constable Gordon took us for a walk to show us how to watch out for sneaky driveways!

 We listened very carefully to Constable Gordon and were very good at answering his questions.

For a reward Constable Gordon let us dress up and have a turn in his police car with the siren on - this caused great excitement!

Constable Gordon reminded us that we should all be sitting in booster seats until we are 7 years old and that we should be sitting in the back seat of the car and not in the front. It would be helpful if you could reinforce this message with your daughter. Thank you.

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