Sunday, May 26, 2013

Puppet Show

This week a group of girls from 1FA and 1FR came together to create a puppet show.  The girls read the story Sleeping Beauty and were each given a character to portray.
They made their own puppets and had a few practises them dove into filming with Mr Edwards.

Copy the link below and enjoy our Sleeping Beauty reproduction!

Week 4
On Tuesday afternoon we are having our PYP Open afternoon where you can come along and watch an Inquiry lesson in your daughter's class. This will be from 1.30 - 2.30pm.

Junior School Social

Don't forget that you can get your ticket to the Junior School Social next week too!!
The senior girls will be outside the Junior School Hall to sell tickets on:
Monday 27 May               8:00am
Tuesday 28 May               3:00pm
Thursday 30 May             8:00am

Our Social is on Friday 7th Jun from 5pm - 6pm 

Monday, May 20, 2013

Term 2 Week 2

Harvest Festival

On Thursday we had our annual Harvest Festival. Thank you so much for all the effort you went to providing food and decorating your boxes. The girls took their boxes up to the front of the hall during our our Chapel service creating an abundant display. Judy accepted the gifts on behalf of the Anglican Trust for Women and Children and was moved to tears by the generosity of the families at Diocesan. Thanks again.

Judy thanking the school community for the gifts of food

This week we launched into our new Inquiry.  We are exploring the central idea, what would a world without buildings look like...?
The girls were told a story about a boy coming to New Zealand over 150 years ago.  We discussed how his family would need to make a 'home' for themselves here and then asked the what the family should bring in their 1 trunk.  Needless to say when the girls were asked to then sketch out their make shift building, they realised that maybe makeup, shampoo and conditioner might have been unnecessary!

Keep an eye out for the village we will be creating!

Week 3
The Maths Evening is on Tuesday from 7pm till 8pm.  We hope to see you there.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Term 2

Hello Everyone

I hope you had a wonderful relaxing holiday! I would like to welcome our new families into 1FR.  Four lovely girls have joined us this term straight from the Foundation Class. They are Anika, Lutie, Karsimar and Sophie. It is exciting to have some new girls and we hope you enjoy being in our class.

Sorry I just had to put it in!

This term is looking to be jam packed with plenty going on in only a very short 9 weeks!

Here are a few dates you might want to keep in mind:

Week 2
Thurs 16th - Harvest Festival
We would appreciate the girls bringing in a decorated box (shoe box size is good) of non-perishable every day sort of food (rather than fancy). This could be baked beans, pasta, pasta sauce, weetbix etc These will be donated to the Anglican Trust for Woman and Children.  The girls need to bring these by  Thursday morning, they have to present them in our service so please don't make them too heavy for them to carry!

Week 3
Tues 21st - Numeracy Evening

Week 5
Book Week
We have an amazing week planned for us with visiting authors, book fairs and a fantastic character parade on Friday! (start thinking now about which book character your daughter might dress up as!

Swimming Sports and Grandparents Day

Swimming Carnival

We had a fabulous time recently at the Swimming Carnival. The girls swam so well I was really proud of them all! A big thank you to all the parents who were able to come and show their support.
Here are some photos of the event.

Grandparents Day
We had a great turnout of Grandparents and friends last Friday. We even had 2 Grandmas arrive from Sydney! During the week we read some stories about Grandparents and wrote about our own Grandparents. The girls also drew a picture to match their story to give to their grandparents too. It was lovely to watch the girls proudly show off their school.     


Our lovely Grandmas all the way from Sydney

Bee Poetry

Last week we created a pattern poem which ended up looking like a diamond poem or even a bee hive!

We started with a noun in our case a bee. Then we watched a you tube clip of a bee collecting pollen from a flower in slow motion. We were able to brainstorm lots of doing (verbs) and describing words (adjectives). We included a fact we had learnt in a sentence and ended with  bee.  We hope you enjoy reading our poems.

Hops, picks up pollen
Fuzzy, 6 legs, wings
 The queen bee lays eggs
Flies, dance

Flaps, plays
Fluffy, black and yellow
Bees build hives
Collects pollen, swoops

Dance, search
Fluffy, black and yellow stripes
If you annoy bees they will sting you
Swoop, sway

Sting, fly
Stripes, fuzzy, have wings
Bees can sting you
Flitters, dances

Bounces, dances
Black, yellow, antennas  
 If you annoy bees they will sting you
Flies, buzzes

Collects, flies
Little, stripes
The queen bee lays eggs
Buzzes, flaps

Swoops, flaps
Yellow, black, stripes
Bees help to make honey
Dances, looks

The girls had a  lot of fun painting bees using our...feet! We dipped our feet in paint and then turned our footprints into bees with lovely stripes and finger print eyes. Don't they look great!


To celebrate Easter we learnt about the meaning behind the different symbols, listen to Reverend Moss retell the Easter story through the Stations of the Cross and we even made some Easter craft and delicious treats.

We designed our own Easter eggs making patterns using crayons and tried to make them look like stained glass windows by oiling them. 

1FR and 1FA spent some time together make our yummy nests for our eggs and chicks and we made our rabbit envelopes to hold our treats.