Sunday, March 16, 2014

Picking Tomatoes

Picking Tomatoes

Mrs Buller took us to the enviro garden to pick tomatoes. We had to lift up the plants and gently pick the ripe tomatoes. We ended up with 2 bowls full of them. Here are our photos and stories.


Last week in maths we explored ways to collect, analyse and report information about our favourite ice cream flavours and the eye colour of the students in 1FR.

Morning Tea with Mrs McRae

Last Friday Mrs McRae asked us to join her for morning tea in the Dining Room by her office. She read us two stories and gave us a drink and biscuits. We really enjoyed our visit with Mrs McRae.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Some Recent Happenings!

Science - Thank you Mrs Maloney

Year One Science

The Year One girls have been learning about life processes and life cycles and what living things require to stay alive.

To be able to observe the life cycle of a bean plant first hand they planted their own. 

They know plants require sun, air, soil and water to grow well.  They have been responsible for their own plants to ensure they grow healthy and strong.

Along with plants needs the girls have been learning about what animals and humans need to be healthy and happy.

Stripey and Sparkle

Our 2 caterpillars that turned into butterflies have been released! Here are some of our stories.

       Sparkle is going to turn into a chrysalis.

   We let Stripey fly up in the sky. He flew away.

Sparkle came out of the chrysalis. We let him fly away.                             Zoe

We are letting Sparkle fly away.

Sparkle flew away yesterday. Sparkle is a boy because he has two black spots. Good bye!

I hope Stripey and Sparkle don’t get hurt!

Butterflies are sometimes blue but Sparkle and Stripey are orange.

We saw Stripey and Sparkle fly away. I miss them.

We saw the butterfly come out of the cocoon. Sparkle flew away.

Stripey flew away. I hope she doesn’t get eaten!

We let Sparkle go in the warm sun.

Enjoying lunch with our buddies!

We really enjoy our French classes. Mrs Alpe teaches us songs to sing and phrases to say. Here we are practicing.