Sunday, June 30, 2013

Magic and Pom Poms

Hello Everyone

We have been looking at how children in the olden days had to make their own fun and toys. Ria's Dad, Keith came to school one afternoon recently and certainly entertained the girls with his magic show - ably assisted by Ria! Here are some photos of the show.

Here are some of our thank you letters


We thought we could have a go at making a toy and we found some left over wool. We made pom poms and then decided to turn them into animals. It took concentration and perseverance but was a lot of fun too!

Here are the finished products - aren't they cute!

Monday, June 17, 2013


Hello Everyone

We had a very exciting trip last week visiting MOTAT to support our new inquiry. The Central Idea is 'Over time environment and technology changes and this influences how people work and play'.

Experiencing school - old days style!

We tried writing with a slate and pencil

We are learning to write with a feather pen and ink. 

We were not allowed to smile - just like the olden days!

Bath anyone?

Cynthia tries the butter churner.

They used to put red hot coal in this iron 

Kitchen Whizz

All aboard the tram!


We had a go at making butter last Wednesday and spread it on crackers - it tasted delicious!